Bidang Kesehatan

Early malaria resurgence in pre-elimination areas in Kokap Sub District, Kulon Progo, Indonesia – Malaria Journal 2014, 13:130. URL :

Evaluation of the Performance of Malaria Microscopist in Primary Health Center and Cross Checker in Belu East Nusa Tenggara – Tropical Medicine Journal 2013, 3:1. URL :

Malaria Risk Factors andMapping in Amfoang Barat Daya-Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur  – Tropical Medicine Journal 2012, 2:1. URL :

Spatiotemporal patterns of malaria at cross-boundaries area in Menoreh Hills, Java, Indonesia .Malaria Journal 2019, vol.18 (80). URL :

Fuad A, Putri SSM, Sitaresmi MN, and Puspandari DA. Financial sources options for telemedicine program within Universal Health Coverage (UHC) era in Indonesia. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering (BIOMIC). Yogyakarta. 2018. URL :

Maula AW, Fuad A, Utarini A. Ten-years trend of dengue research in Indonesia and South-east Asian countries: a bibliometric analysis. Glob Health Action. 2018;11(1):1504398. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2018.1504398. URL :

Fuad A and Hsu CY. UTAUT for HSS: initial framework to study health IT adoption in the developing countries.F1000Research 2018, 7:101. URL :

Nguyen SP, Marcelo A, Budianto D, Fuad A, Lazuardi L, Saha AK, Khan MAH, Sambath MR, Jaiganesh A, Mursalin S. The State of National Health Information Exchanges in Asia. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association Volume 4, Issue 1, January-June 2018, p 32-25. URL :

Cahyadin, Maula AW, Fuad A. Healthcare-associated infection in Asian countries: bibliometric analysis. Proceeding of Int’l Conference on Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine. Yogyakarta, 2017. URL :

Rau HH, Wu YS, Chu CM, Wang FC, Hsu MH, Chang CW, Chen KH, Lee YL, Kao S, Chiu YL, Wen HC, Fuad A, Hsu CY, Chiu HW. Importance-Performance Analysis of Personal Health Records in Taiwan: A Web-Based Survey. J Med Internet Res. 2017 Apr 27;19(4):e131. doi: 10.2196/jmir.7065. URL :

Rau HH, Hsu CY, Lin YA, Atique S, Fuad A, Wei LM, Hsu MH. Development of a web-based liver cancer prediction model for type II diabetes patients by using an artificial neural network. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2016 Mar;125:58-65. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2015.11.009. URL :

Herdiana, Fuad A, Asih PB, Zubaedah S, Arisanti RR,Syafruddin D,  Kusnanto H, Sumiwi ME, Yuniarti T, Imran A, Rahmadyani,Yani M, Kusriastuti R, Tarmizi SN, Laihad FJ, Hawley WA. Progress towards malaria elimination in Sabang municipality, Aceh, Indonesia. Malaria Journal 2013; 12(1):42. URL :

Hsu CY, Fuad, A, Lazuardi L, Sanjaya GY. GIS for dengue: strengthening collaboration. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012; 87(6):1152. URL :

Fuad A, Hsu CY. High rate EHR adoption in Korea and health IT rise in Asia. Int J Med Inform 2012; 81(9):649-50. URL :

Fuad, A. Kumar, A. Wang, YC. Hsu, CY. Use of a clinical decision support system to increase osteoporosis screening: how similar is the historical control? J Eval Clin Pract 2012 Aug;18(4):925. URL :

Fuad, A, Hsu, CY, Same dataset, same conclusion, different in detail: Who’s doing what from large public database. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2012 Jun;7(6):1064.URL :

Kimura, P. Croll, B. Li, P. C. Wong, S. Gogia, A. Faud, Y.-S. Kwak, S. Chu, A. Marcelo, Y.-H. Chow, W. Paoin, Y.-C. (J.) Li. Survey on Medical Records and EHR in Asia-Pacific Region Languages, Purposes, IDs and Regulations. Methods of Information in Medicine 2011;50(4):386-91. URL :

Fuad, A. Kusnanto, H, Utarini, A. Van Dijk, JP. Groothoff, J. The use of geographic information systems (GIS) for rapid assessment of health facilities following tsunami disaster in Aceh, Indonesia. Proceeding of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Informatics (APAMI) Conference, Taipei. URL :

Uji Silang Digital sebagai Alternatif Uji Banding Manual Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis Malaria di Kulon Progo. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM). Volume 4, Nomor 1, September 2018, Hal 72 – 87. [Elsa Herdiana Murhandarwati, Anis Fuad, Guntur Budi Herwanto, Rizqiani Amalia Kusumasari, Mahardika Agus Wijayanti, Supargiyono] URL :

Pelatihan mikroskopis dan entomologi pada tenaga laboratorium dan entomologis lokal di Kecamatan Kokap untuk mendukung eliminasi malaria di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, DIY. Journal of Community Empowerment for Health (JCOEMPH). Volume 2(1) Juni 2019. Hal 72-83. [Elsa Herdiana Murhandarwati, Rizqiani Amalia Kusumasari, Purwono, Kuswati, Sulistyawati, Sitti Rahmah Umniyati, Mahardika Agus Wijayanti, Tri Baskoro Tunggul Satoto] URL :

Using health facility-based serological surveillance to predict receptive areas at risk of malaria outbreaks in elimination areas. BMC Medicine. Jan 28;18(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s12916-019-1482-7 [Henry Surendra, Supargiyono, Rizqiani Amalia Kusumasari, Riris Andono Ahmad,  et al.]